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Your Vote Matters!
The LGBTQ community's voice in voting is essential for protecting and advancing our rights.
We've joined forces with "Rock the Vote" to create a convenient hub for all your voting needs, empowering you to make a difference in one central place.
Your vote matters!
Register to VOTE!
More then even your vote matters. Registering to vote is easy and can be done in under 2 minutes!
Not sure if you registered to vote?
To find out is quick and easy!
Restore Your Vote!
I have a felony conviction. Can I vote?
Want to get an absentee
ballot but don't know how?
Visit our absentee ballot tool to request an
absentee ballot to make sure your vote is counted!
Do you know when your local elections are?
Sign up for election reminders to know
When elections are happening in your area
Are you under 18 and eager to vote?
Sign our pledge to register to vote and get a
reminder on your 18th Birthday!
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